What is F4F World? Explained by Young Journalist, Shahriyar Ahmed Mahir, 14 y.o. Bangladesh
In simple words, especially in my perspective, F4F World is such a nice football-based game made with the implementation of the values of F4F and all its characteristics, even along with options made for the fans! In this game, the greatest part about it is that you can customise your looks and most importantly your jersey design automatically changes by the country you select which seems really charming. As of this pandemic F4F World opened a lot of opportunities, especially to those who weren’t able to play outside together. It united us just like the previous F4F Seasons, but this time through online. This makes me think that even during the pandemic, F4F is making the impossible things possible by playing football from different regions globally.
In my own experience and perspective, I like the user interface and graphics very much because it seems very user-friendly and in the matters of graphics its very simple, not very high definition or low, it can be run on almost any computer and that’s perfect. This game is basically a combination of remote connection between players from all over the world, of simple graphics and UI interface, of the greatness to be in a fan mode and being in different teams.
During our practice, Young Journalists were watching the match in the fan mode, to me this is really a great feature, which distinguishes F4F World from any other games out there. We can shout chants, support our teams and press the beat button to get into the full rhythm which seemed really cool if you can’t play football very well, but assume you love it and you want to watch and enjoy being involved in the game.
As we were having the practice session, exploring the game, some of our participants shared their opinions and I asked them some questions regarding it. Among them was our coach, Hammad, he stated his opinions of being a coach in F4F World and what it feels like, he said “The most interesting part of being a coach is getting to know more people around the world and helping them with the game is also really fun and challenging at the same time”. One our footballers, Sajid, replied to my question regarding the difficulty of this game, he said that he thinks it gets harder and harder as the level goes up. I am on level 6 or 7, and the game gets way more difficult and challenging, which is fun indeed. And when I asked him what made him really admire this game, I was amazed to see this answer “The game itself is very fun but when the superpowers were added, the game just felt even more interesting”. I agree: the more you play the more interesting the game really gets!
Another answer came from Emily, one of our Young Players. “I admire this game because I can get some new experiences and I can improve on my social skills. I would not change anything about the game because it is perfectly fine. The best thing about this game is that everyone has their own part and they all do it, and everyone trusts each other even though it’s the first few days of our practice as a team. The best thing for me in the game is the team work”.
One of our Young Journalists, Kinley, expressed a very relatable and great thought, when she was asked about her impression as a fan in that game. “I think the game emulates the emotions and adrenaline that you get when you are at a real match”. This game had given as so much happy emotions during this pandemic especially with my friends from all over the globe. It’s surprising that everyone has their different opinion on it which makes me think that the developers and the people who gave the ideas had done a really good job. To be honest, as a journalist of F4F, I wasn’t expecting that high level of quality and public support from this game, it’s amazing. F4F World is a game, which unites us – young players, fans, friends, team members, and most importantly unites our old memories of F4F seasons held offline. Truly F4F World is again uniting us, uniting the world!