How to Learn

The course is built according to the “Learn through doing” principle. Solve specific professional challenges by using the values-based approach and the experience of your colleagues from the 11 available lessons and expert materials. Completed practical exercises will become the basis for your personal coach's guide.

1. Take the Nine Values ​​of Coaching Young Footballers course to create a personalized, practical coach guide

The video lecture and synopsis in each of the 11 lessons contain solutions and recommendations that can be applied in practice.

Complete the practical activities of the course. The solution to the urgent professional tasks of the coach will form the basis of your personal practical guide.

2. Explore expert materials to find new ideas for professional development

Value-based approach to teaching, mixed team training, dialogue with parents, creation of your own methodology, coaching career issues, sports management.

3. Receive a Сertificate of completion

Start learning